Where do I start with Whole30?

People turn to Whole30 for numerous reasons. People come to the program on their own while other times it’s per the recommendation of their medical doctor. People have seen a number of benefits by doing Whole30 such as lowering inflammation, chronic pain, acne, allergies, Type 2 diabetes, and weight loss to name a few. Whatever your reason for turning to Whole30 is, here are my tips to get you started:

1.) Download your free Whole30 Starter Kit which includes the program rules, sneaky sugars and additives sheets, two items that are very important when grocery shopping. You’ll come to learn that when it comes to doing Whole30, reading ingredients labels is extremely important. Unless you see a product with the Whole30 Approved label make sure you read the ingredients.

2.) Follow these accounts on Instagram.

3.) If you’d like to dive deeper into the subject and truly understand the Whole30  program, I highly recommend reading or listening to, “ It Starts with Food.” When I decided to do Whole30, I went into it thinking it was going to be difficult but after reading ``It Starts with Food”, the thought was replaced with enthusiasm because I wanted to treat my body better, I wanted to do better, I wanted to feel better and it starts with food. 

Other books I recommend:
Whole30 Day by Day

4.) Once you’re ready to start the program, equip yourself with the Whole30 Day by Day Journal, or use the notebook in your phone/another type of notepad to journal how you feel daily. Write down what you ate, your energy level, cravings, and how you’re feeling. I recommend to all my clients that they do this in the evening as the evenings tend to be the time of day when cravings are the strongest. Journaling will help you distract your mind and once you’re done with the program, you’ll be able to look back and appreciate how far you’ve come. 

                            I wish you success on your Whole30 journey.